Male Breast Reduction Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA

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What is Gynecomastia?
Due to fluctuations in hormone levels, infants, adolescent boys, and older men can develop gynecomastia. A number of factors can lead to the development of gynecomastia, including medications and illnesses. Men suffering from gynecomastia often complain of tender and swollen breasts. While there are few physical risk factors, it can be the cause psychological and emotional damage.
Treating Gynecomastia with Male Breast Reduction Surgery
In most cases, we use liposuction to treat male patients suffering from overgrown breasts. Liposuction for gynecomastia is a simple procedure. It requires a small incision under the breasts or around the areola, then excess breast tissue and fat is suctioned from under the skin.
In some more extreme cases, we will surgically remove bits of the breast tissue, in which case, we might need to make a larger incision in the chest wall. During male breast reduction surgery, we will pay careful attention to ensure your chest is perfectly symmetrical.
Oftentimes, patients undergoing male breast reduction surgery will also opt for liposuction on their hips to remove love handles. During your initial consultation, Dr. Takowsky will discuss your objectives to help you reach your ideal image.
Candidates for Male Breast Reduction Surgery
Preparing for Breast Reduction Surgery
Recovering from Male Breast Reduction Surgery
Ask Dr. Takowsky before resuming any weightlifting activities. You will also need to prevent hyperpigmentation of your scars by avoiding the sun for about 6 months. There are minimal risks associated with male breast reduction surgery. The results of your male breast reduction surgery should last a lifetime, since the fat and glandular tissue is permanently removed. At the same time, it’s important to remain healthy by avoiding weight gain, steroid use, alcohol, and treating any medical condition that could lead to gynecomastia.
Choosing a Plastic Surgeon for Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Male Breast Reduction
Gynecomastia, which is the overdevelopment of male breasts, affects an estimated 40 to 60 percent of men. It can be the result of hormonal imbalance, obesity, certain drugs or heredity, and can affect one or both breasts.
Candidates for breast reduction are men who have large or sagging breasts that make them feel physically and/or emotionally uncomfortable. Breast reduction can be performed on men whose breast development is complete; are in good health, both physically and emotionally; do not smoke; and are not overweight. Ideally, candidates have firm, elastic skin that will reshape itself to fit the contours of their breasts postsurgery
Male breast reduction is usually performed under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis, and typically takes 1 to 2 hours. Male breast reduction is performed using liposuction or surgery, or a combination of the two.