Tummy Tuck at Gary Takowsky, M.D. in Beverly Hills, CA

We offer 100% FREE Consultations! Contact us today to receive a complimentary virtual or in-person consultation. Talk directly to Dr. Takowsky. Call us at (310) 340-2311, or you can easily book your consultation online.
What is a Tummy Tuck?
Are You a Tummy Tuck Candidate?
- Your expectations are realistic
- You feel self-conscious or bothered by your abdomen
- You are a non-smoker
- You are generally healthy and at a stable weight
- You have no plans for future pregnancies
What to Expect During Tummy Tuck Surgery at Gary Takowsky, MD
Your Abdominoplasty Consultation
During this time, it is important that you communicate all of your concerns, goals, and health history. You will also learn about the risks and limitations of you tummy tuck, as well as discuss costs, financing, and payment options.
What Happens During a Tummy Tuck Surgery
After the incisions are made, the skin is separated from the abdominal wall, all the way to your ribs, lifting a skin flap to expose your vertical muscles in your abdomen. The abdomen muscles are tightened and stitched into a new position, creating a firmer abdominal wall and narrower waistline.
Next, the skin flap will be stretched down, the excess skin will be removed, and your navel will be repositioned. In mini-abdominoplasties, the initial incision is smaller, and the navel will not be repositioned. The skin will only be separated between the incision line and the navel. After your surgery, you will be bandaged and a temporary tube will be inserted to drain excess fluids.
Recovering from Abdominoplasty Surgery
Full recovery can take anywhere from two weeks to a few months. It is important to take care of yourself by eating a balanced diet for better healing. You should also avoid heavy lifting and arduous exercises, until instructed by Dr. Takowsky. Your abdominoplasty will most likely leave a permanent scar. However, it is usually low enough to be concealed in a bikini.
Having Realistic Goals for Tummy Tuck Surgery
If you’re planning on losing a significant amount of weight or planning future pregnancies, you might postpone your surgery. It is also important to remember that tummy tuck surgery cannot combat stretch marks. However, stretch marks might be removed or improved, if they are located in the area where excess skin is removed.
Choosing Dr. Gary Takowsky for Your Tummy Tuck in Beverly Hills, CA
When it comes to choosing a plastic surgeon for your tummy tuck surgery, it is important to pick an experienced surgeon you can trust. Make sure that you choose a board certified plastic surgeon with a proven track record of success, and positive before and after pictures.
At Gary Takowsky, MD, we believe in patient-centered care and want your plastic surgery process to be as individualized and successful as possible. With over 30 years of plastic surgery experience, Dr. Gary Takowsky in Beverly Hills can help you achieve flatter abs with minimum risk. Schedule a consultation with us today at 323-676-0222.